Monday, December 23, 2019
Racial Profiling And Affirmative Action - 1638 Words
When comparing racial profiling and affirmative action, some might think that the two terms are not the same; it is possible that some people think that racial profiling is considered wrong, and affirmative action is considered right. However, they are the same, and both are morally wrong, but for different reasons. Racial profiling is morally wrong because in most situations, it is usually used by law enforcement in apprehending a criminal. However, it usually targets someone because of their race. It is also morally wrong because it usually used under the pretense that it is trying to increase safety. Affirmative action is used under the pretense to provide more opportunities for races that are seen as under - represented in certain environments. However, it is morally wrong because it is instead seen as certain races not being able to attain those opportunities without assistance from others. Other reasons that it is morally wrong is because while the main goal is to encourage mor e equality for everyone, it fails to dispel the stereotypes that some people still might have about minorities and it might negatively affect others that are more qualified for opportunities that are trying to increase diversity instead of trying to find the most qualified people. Racial profiling is usually seen as a way to increase safety. However, this is not always the case; in most cases it promotes negative thoughts about the race being targeted. As mentioned by Deborah Hellman, oneShow MoreRelatedAffirmative Action Should Not Be A Program1540 Words  | 7 Pagesstill very active today. Affirmative action is defined as â€Å"the practice of improving the educational and job opportunities of members of groups that have not been treated fairly in the past because of their race, sex, etc†(Merriam-Webster). 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