Thursday, October 31, 2019
Inland freight assisgment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Inland freight assisgment - Essay Example vernment concerning the operation of the system as well as regulating the issue of licences to the drivers with a view to keep the transport system safe and legal. This paper studies the depth of such regulations in maintaining the road safety and makes a critical analysis of the effect of the regulations on the operators and drivers in that direction. This paper also takes a role of a counter campaign against those criticising the operation of the LGV transport system as unsafe by analysing the regulations and at the same time bringing out the shortcomings or lacunae in the system. It also attempts to suggest some useful hints for the future developments. Note: To make the paper more user-friendly, some provisions have been adapted as such or paraphrased from the original Handbook prepared by Vehicle and Operator Service Agency (VOSA) and the regulations of other statutory bodies. With globalization of the industrial and business activities, the effective management of supply chain system ensuring the availability of the right material at the right time and at the right quality has become an immediate and important necessity to any business organisation. . This also necessitated the development and maintenance of new and speedy ways of inland freight movement systems and thereby to succeed the fight against the time to reach the merchandise at the destination at the proper time. In such an effort, due to human errors there are umpteen possibilities due to the improper maintenance of the vehicles or the carelessness of the people operating such transport vehicles that accidents do happen on the city roads and the highways. Under those circumstances it becomes absolutely essential to find out the cause of such an incident to fix the onus of compensating the aggrieved party and punishing the erring person. This analysis will lead us to so many debatable issues w hich will finally culminate on the government’s responsibility to efficiently administer the system of
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Horse Slaughter Essay Example for Free
Horse Slaughter Essay The topic of horse slaughter doesn’t usually come up very often in everyday conversation. Horse slaughter is more of an implicit subject, which your everyday person doesn’t know much about. Because it is highly controversial, it has gone through the cycle of being banded and then reinstated twice in the last 5 years. With being involved in the horse industry my entire life, I have witnessed the effects first hand. Some people see it as killing pets, animal cruelty, and morally wrong. However, I see it as a source of income, a way to stop the starvation and abuse of horses, an export industry for the United States, as well as a quality meal for in times of despair. The history of people eating horse meat dates back to the early 1800’s when the French were at war with Russia. Emperor Napoleon advised his starving soldiers to eat the dead battlefield horses. Because horse meat is sweet, lean, protein-rich, and finely textured, it sufficed as a quality meal. Due to the high cost of living in France, in 1866, the French government legalized the consumption of horse meat because it could be bought at a lower price than pork or beef. (Sherman) Countries like France, Belgium, Germany, Chili, Japan and many others still consume horse meat today. The history of horse meat for human consumption in the United States has a similar story. â€Å"No longer will the will the worn-out horse wend his way to the boneyard; instead he will be fattened up in order to give the thrifty another source of food supply. This new meat is to be put upon the city’s platter under the protection and encouragement of the Board of Health. The Board at its meeting yesterday made several radical changes in the Sanitary Code, and one of them was to revoke the present section that forbids the sale in this city of horse flesh as food. †(Allow Horse Meat for Food in City) This is a segment from an article by the New York Times, published in 1915. Also in the article, Health Commissioner Haven Emerson discussed that the houses that slaughter horses are to follow the same protocol and inspections as any other slaughter house does. During the 1930’s low supply and high cost of pork and beef made horse meat rise in popularity. Again during World War II, people were again in the same predicament. Inflation during the early 1970’s raised the cost of traditional meats; Time Magazine reported from Carlson’s, a butcher shop in Westbrook, CT, that they were selling over 6,000 pounds of horse meat a day. (Weil) In 2006, the House of Representatives voted to end horse slaughter; the bill passed to make the killing and selling American horses for human consumption an illegal practice in the United States. Today in the US, people do not consume horse meat on a whole sale basis. But because many other counties do, the exporting of horse meat is a huge industry. When the ban was in place, US horses were being transported to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered instead. From 2006 to 2010 the increase in horses being exported to Canada and Mexico was 148 and 660 percent. They are loaded up on trailers and shipped across the boarders, often times going days without food or water until they reach their destination. The regulations, or lack thereof, are different than in the US. Shesgreen) Valley Meat Co. owner Rick De Los Santos brings up valid points in his interview with NBC News last week. The majority of people, who are against slaughter, are getting caught up on the â€Å"ick†factor of killing our â€Å"pets†. However, the process is the exact same for cows and pigs. The horse is struck in the forehead with a tool known as a captive gun. The captive gun an air pressured gun which launches a metal bolt against the horses head rendering it unconscious before it is exsanguinated, â€Å"bled out. Meat plants are inspected regularly, expected to follow code, and are fined heavily if found otherwise. He also makes mention that he is sending horse carcasses to Mexico instead of live horses. If the horses are killed in the US they are still under regulation. (NM Meat Plant Owner Defends Horse Slaughter Plan) I often hear the statement â€Å"Dead horses don’t help the economy! †But before it was banned; the export industry in the US was nearly $65 million dollars a year. That is $65 million dollars that could be coming into the US, but isn’t. Shesgreen) Mr. De Los Santos mentioned in his interview that due to the closing of his plant, he laid off over 160 workers at his small scale plant. With our economy in its current state, I believe we should not be cutting corners with people losing jobs or missing out on opportunities to make money. On the contrary, â€Å"Horses were never raised or bread specifically as a source of food because they have a much lower grain and grass efficiency rate then cows do. They take a lot more food and time to fatten up. Their immune systems are also not as strong s cows and they have the tendency to get sick easier; which can cause weight loss,†explained veterinarian Kathy Ott, owner and senior vet of Clearly Lake Equine Hospital. I did an interview with Dr. Ott knowing that I would receive a perspective of the opposing argument. She referenced that because horses are not specifically raised to be consumed; the vaccines, medications, injections and feed that they receive have not all been certified or regulated by the FDA. (Ott) Humane Society says; owner responsibility is the answer. It is a matter of personal responsibility when someone takes on a horse as a companion or work animal. If an owner can no longer care for a horse, that person has a responsibility to seek out other options for placing the horse or to have it humanely euthanized, rather than simply try to profit by selling it to slaughter. This is a valid point; however, in the state and federal legislation passed thus far in the US, the right to kill horses humanely has never been challenged, with the exception of those falling under the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Wild Horse and Burro Adoption Program. In the USA, horses remain property and anyone can â€Å"humanely†kill his or her own horse without fear of sanction including euthanasia or gunshot. How are do we know everyone one out there kills there horse on the first try? They could have possibly miss the vein or miss the shot. PETA is not against horse slaughter! PETA is disgusted by the idea of transporting of horses to foreign destinations, which increases their stress, probability of sickness and injury. They believe that the previous congressional action that ended the slaughter of horses in the U. S. was terribly inadequate solution, and had only made matters worse for the problem of unwanted and abandoned horses. The organization is a major advocate of local euthanasia or gunshot. They are constantly looking to find a better solution to unwanted and abandoned horse problem. Slaughtering is at the bottom of their list; however, right now it is necessary to prevent more suffering and starvation of the unwanted horse. (PETA) On November 11th, 2012, President Obama signed the ban to abolish the ban on horse slaughter. Horse meat, for the past 100 years, has had an influential effect on America. It has helped us in times of need, as well has been a huge amount of income for the US. With it still being so controversial on an ethical basis, I am sure it will continue to go through the cycle of being banned and reopened.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Employee motivation special reference to mcdonalds
Employee motivation special reference to mcdonalds Since past few decades significance efforts have been made to improve the workers efficiency and effectiveness and in order to achieve this jobs structure have been made flexible. Some people have regret the loss of regular working pattern and the others are enjoying and taking the advantage of the flexible working hours (Prospect; 2008). The flexible working pattern has become very popular in many organisations and has contributed a lot in the employees life style in positive way. McDonalds The aim of the research is to find the role of flexible working hours in employees motivation. The organisation chosen to conduct the research is McDonalds UK Corporation. McDonalds is fast food service retailing chain of 30,000 restaurants famous for burgers and chips and is operating in 119 countries globally. Most of the restaurants are franchised. The company also operates under the name of The Boston market in US and has head quarters in US Oak Brook and employees more than 450,000 employees. The company had turnover of more than 20,000 million USD in 2009. (Data Monitor 2009) 1.2.1 McDonalds Employees In UK, McDonalds employs more than 50,000 people (not including franchisees staff) of which 57% staffs are male and 43% of staff is female and 66% of the hourly paid staff is aged between 16 and 20 years and 90% of staff are work for about 35 hours per week. Training of the staff is compulsory prior to start the job and is considered of great importance in the development of the employees. Flexible working practices give this opportunity to staff to fulfil their commitments with the family or education. Most of the managers in McDonald have started as hourly-paid and half of the companys middle and senior managers moved up from restaurant based positions. 2.1 RESEARCH AIM The aim of the research is to identify the role of flexible working in the employees motivation. The research has following objectives and questions. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To evaluate the role of flexible working times in employee loyalty and satisfaction. To analyze the effect of flexible working on employees motivation and performance. To examine the benefits and limitations of adopting flexible working within the company To explore the flexible working practices currently followed by McDonalds To suggest recommendations to McDonalds to improve the flexible working arrangements to enhance the employees performance. RESEARCH QUESTIONS The proposed research questions are: What does flexible working means? How flexible working is being practiced in McDonalds? How McDonalds can improve retention rate through FWP? What have been the benefits and limitations of adopting the flexible working practices for McDonalds? LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review provides the foundation of the research on which result is built (Saunders; 2007). Theoretical concept and models described by the Harvard Framework of HRM and concept of Flexibility, Employee Loyalty, Cultural issues and Employee Retention will be reviewed in the literature study. Guests Theory of HRM Guest describes policies in strategic integration which ensure human resource management is integrated: first employees commitment to improve their performance through their behaviour, second flexibility ensuring flexible organization structure, third high quality service because of flexible working hours (Guest;1989). The concept of human resource management is to approach best practices which are acceptable universally. (Torrington: 2008) Flexibility Flexibility the term is being used in wide range of forms in organizations. For example internal flexibility shift of workers between different departments in an organization to benefit from their multi-skills. As an external flexibility hiring or subcontracting employees as per requirement. (Huws; 1999) Employee Loyalty A research of 3500 American workers investigates the relationship among work and life policies, informal support and employee loyalty over the life course. Flexible working practices have consistent and positive effects on the employees loyalty. (SpringerLink; 2004) Theories of Flexible Working Culture has deep effect on individuals and organizations in their life. Four types of cultural styles which are individual Culture (people work for themselves to live with basic needs or luxuries), Task Culture, Role Culture (Clearly defined roles are set out within a hierarchical structure) and Club Culture (Like-minded people loosely grouped around a charismatic leader). He describes the flexible working in the context of the cultural values of the individuals and organizations. (Handy; 1988) Employment Flexibility Pinfield and Atkinson (1998) present four approaches to increase employment flexibility to achieve competitive advantage. These are as follows: 1. Time flexibility. 2. Functional flexibility. 3. Distancing flexibility 4. Financial or Pay flexibility. The Flexible Firm A model for flexible firm in which it is divides its labour force into a core of permanent workers performing the key task and temporary workers to complete daily tasks. The temporary staffs protect the core group from change in demand in the labour market and reduce the labour cost and promote flexibility in the organisation. (Atkinson and Meager, 1986; Pollert, 1988; Hakim, 1987) (Keizer; 2008) Flexible working arrangements can play a valuable role in organizational performance Flexible working is beneficial in the interest of both employees and employers. Adopting the flexible working practices has identified significant reduction in staff sickness, absence, and turnover levels, employees retention, motivation. On the organization side it has enhanced the organization overall image. Employees can also choose their work-patterns to make a work-life balance. (CIPD; 2008) Employee Retention Employers can retain their staff most effectively. This retention is not because of the high payment but the highest level of reward by offering them other benefits such as flexible working hours. He says that employees can be retained if the organization offers job security, flexible working arrangements and career development opportunities (Taylor; 2002). RESERCH METHODOLOGY There are three approaches to research methodology Research approach Research strategy Data collection methods Research approach There are two types of approaches; deductive and inductive. In deductive approach the researcher tests and proves or disproves number of propositions and in the inductive approach the researcher would collect data and develop a theory as a result of analyzing the data. The approach for my study is both deductive and inductive. Research strategy The most commonly research strategies used are collecting data from number of organizations or a large group of respondents in order to explore the issues largely in the present to develop a theory or a case study to explore the issues both at present and in the past of an organization to proof the point and propose recommendations. I will be surveying one organization and will bring the facts of the past and present to light in the context of flexible working hours. (Jankowicz;1995) SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION Secondary data analysis is the analysis of data collected by another researcher or organization in order to discuss or explore an issue (Hakim; 1989). Secondary data can helps to define the research problems and can develop an approach, it is easy and quicker to access mostly through universitys library facilities as this data already been collected and published. This data can be collected in short space of time and it is cost effective. For this research work I will be using the journals, books, library resources and online databases such as Ebsco to collect the data. 4.1.2 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION Primary data is normally regarded as being data which is collected by the original researcher who is using the data for further investigation (Oliver; 2002 p.14). In this research, I am intending to collect the data from both questionnaires and interviews to obtain the information about the employees attitude, behaviour and opinion about McDonalds and also the impact of flexible working practices within McDonalds. For this research it is appropriate to use both techniques for data collection. Qualitative Research Qualitative data refers to all non-numeric data or data that have not been quantified and can be a product of all research strategies. It can range from a short list of responses to open-ended questions and in-depth interviews (Saunders; 2007). In this research qualitative data will be collected by conducting interviews of the managers and the workers at McDonald. Five to seven people will be interviewed and they will be situational and snow balling technique will be practiced. Quantitative Research In this research, I will use the questionnaire in order to collect the primary data. I will use structured questionnaire in which each person is asked to respond to the same set of questions in a predetermined order. The structured questionnaire will be given to the employees working at McDonalds to get their point of view on how the companys flexible working is affecting their life style and performance. The questionnaires will give to 40-50 people in McDonald. They will not require replying immediately. However, discrete and careful monitoring will be carry out to make sure that the respondent answers all the questions. Data Analysis To analyze the qualitative data power computer software (CADAS) like NVivo ATLAS will be used. These are easy available in the market and in some universities as well. It is no longer necessary to undertake routine qualitative data management tasks manually such as sorting the data into categories and location subsets of these data according to specified criteria. (Saunders; 2007) LIMITATION OF STUDY Since flexible working motivates and improves performance of the employees, all the organisations are adopting flexible working system. All organisations are being encouraged by the UK Government to adopt flexible working practices due to many advantages which include cross culture diversity, reduce absenteeism and high turnover. As the research is being conducted in the UK and flexible working practices can differ across the branches in different localities in the UK. The future research could be carried to find out to what extent the other branches of the organisations is practicing the flexible working system. ETHICAL ISSUES, CONSENT AND ACCESS Ethical considerations are crucial in the data collection and handling process (Saunders et al; 2007). I will make sure that I abide by all the ethical rules and regulations while carrying out my research work. I will make sure that my interviewees know the purpose of the research and all the data will be kept confidential. One of the branches of McDonalds has already been informed. Researcher will also make sure the responses of the respondent are kept confidential and do not get in the hands of any other unauthorized person. The research will seeks to be fair, consistent and accurate in all aspects. Research planning Gant chart of the planning
Friday, October 25, 2019
affirmative action Essay -- essays research papers
Introduction: Affirmative action in higher education should be abolished. College admissions should be based on what the admissions board is looking for, not what the government says should be required. In this paper, I will present evidence to support that position. At one time, affirmative action was a needed and legitimate policy. Segregation has existed way too much in the past and has left people out of jobs, out of certain areas of town, and schooling. We needed to make a law that would get rid of segregation, and help everybody assimilate or just live peacefully without discrimination. When a majority the southern where rebelling and would not allow African Americans in their stores, schools, etc, affirmative action was justifiable. But is it today? Much of the affirmative action debate is, and should be centered on education. Many of the critics whom at one time also believed that the preferential treatment shown to lower the discrimination towards minority groups is something that should be eliminated. Being that American society has become less discriminatory, affirmative action may be less necessary. Discrimination is something that will always be an issue; there will always be backwards individuals who cannot overlook their own prejudices for the greater good. However, there are fewer of these people. With declines in racism, we should also seek to eliminate the reverse racism now being displayed towards college while male applicants. This is an issue that effects potential students, and those who get rejected merely apply to another school. How can this issue of accepting minorities over others because be brought to the attention of the lawmakers without making it seem as if there will be less opportunities for minority groups? Equality is a very sensitive topic that has to be danced around with the potential for a misconception of what is trying to be achieved. In the early 1960's the federal government implemented programs such as the National Defense Student Loan Program (NDSL), work-study programs, and the National Defense Educational Act (NDEA). These programs made it easier for minority groups, especially African Americans, to receive financial help. Equal opportunity grants also helped enroll more minorities, especially blacks. At the time, these ... ... succeeding in the collegiate environment. A fallacy that is prevalent is that minorities score much lower then the white majority. This is not true; there is a small gap, but it is not significant. Yes minorities quite often do have to deal with crowded classrooms, teachers with less advanced degrees, and the lack of counseling recourses that are available for predominantly white, suburban schools. However, is this a reason to give funding to those who lack? America is based on the ideological belief that "you can be whatever you want to be, or, work hard enough and you will achieve your goals." To place this belief in the minds of all youth should be enough. To place this in the minds of all the same youth but then give preferential treatment to the minority class is a blatant display of reverse racism that should be done away with henceforth. References Cited The College Board Review; August 1999, No.188 Leonard Biard-College Student; September 2001 V.35, No. 3 Comparative Educational Review V.47; No.1, February 2003 The College Board Review; No.189/190, January 2000 College and University Journal V.79; No.1, Summer 2003 Educational Theory; Winter 2002,V.52 N.1
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The issue of discrimination against old people and persons with disabilities is an old age phenomenon. For centuries these groups of people have had to live with stigma and many a times forced t live their lives in seclusion for instance in the bible stories are told of how leapers were forced from their homes to be beggars in the streets as if this was not enough, bells were tied around their necks so that everywhere they would go, people will be warned of their presence by the sounding bells and were required to take-off.In ancient Africa, children born with disabilities were killed and thrown away in the forest because they were considered bad one. All these treatment by the dominant groups on the marginalized groups was informed by myths. In that it was believed that people's with disability would bring bad luck or â€Å"infect†others in the community who did not have such disabilities.And for centuries this continued until the dawn of â€Å"the age of rights†wher e it came to be realized that all human beings by virtue of their being humans had all human beings by virtue of their being humans had in alienable God given rights that no man was allowed to take away (L. J. mefarlane. Theory and practice of human rights) The author went on to say about human rights†. They must be distinguished from moral rights in possessing the following characteristics (a) University (b) Individuality (c) Paramount ability(d) Enforceability This age of rights culminated in the â€Å"universal declaration on the rights of man†and the UN charter on the rights of man†This two characters then informed many bill of rights of many states in the world today including â€Å"The Canadian charter on human rights†Much though that these rights are clearly s pelt in many international and local documents on human rights the old and people with disability continue to bare the brunt of stigmatization and this surely should urgently be brought to a stop.this paper boards on the thesis that discrimination of any kind against any person and specifically the old and people with disabilities is an infringement on their fundamentals rights and freedoms as first adumbrated in the universal declaration on the rights of man. It will also compare and contrast the treatment. The international labor organization defines disability in terms of tis effect upon a persons ability to secure and maintain gainful employment.In convention 1 order 50, of the international labor organization states that a person with disability means one whose prospects of securing, obtaining and a draining in employment is induced or as a result of mental or physical impairment. A careful analysis of this definition can lead to confusion it would also means that ILO is in useful discriminative. It would also mean that old people do suffer from disability an allegation that may not be always true many old people can still work and fend for themselves without need ing employment.Disability can best and without discrimination defined to mean:-An impairment of either of either, physical, sensory or mental nature including vision, hearing or physical impairment which has a longterm effect on a persons usual day to day activities. So that given the effect that comes with old age like loss of memory, poor vision comes with old age like loss of memory, poor vision could also fall under the ambit of disability.Unfortunately even government agencies do discriminate against peoples with disabilities from how they implement program mes like adjustment orders to make the lives of these people much easier, to how they implement government policies leaves a lot to bee desired. But then should all facts that may seem to be discrimination deemed as such? Because there are actions that can pass for discrimination but may not necessarily be motivated by discrimination.A good case in point is the latimer case where latimer, a farmer who was working a spread in saskat chewan killed her 12 year old daughter Tracy in 1993. His statement to the police was such that she loved his daughter and could not watch her suffer from severe cerebral palsy. Latimas was subsequently charged with 1st degree murder which was later reduced to 2nd degree murders. justice Ted Noble broke a new legal grand by distinguishing mercy killing which is allowed anyway and cold blooded murder in so doing latrines was given a constitutional exemption.He was convicted though because he had committed a crime. Acts such as this one are not motivated by discrimination or stigma associated with having a child with disabilities but â€Å"love†in fact in the present case, the judge considered latimer as a â€Å"loving and protective parent†who wanted to end his daughter suffering. Much that latimers actions can be somehow be â€Å"excused†, why would people have to think that people with disabilities would people have to think that people with disabilit ies are constantly â€Å"suffering†, and thus the need by other people to end their suffering?why cant we allow people with disability lead independent lives? The answer again lies with the perceptions that the dominant group has people with disabilities. On the other hand the leilani must case can only be contrasted with the forgone case of latimer in the present case, Muir was a child who was unwanted and neglected by her mother an alcoholics. the mother took her to mental school at age eleven. the mother also ordered her sterilization during the sterilization she was not informed that she was actually being sterilized but she thought she was having her appendix removed.She later discovered that she could not sire children and sued. She was awarded damages. the case in point suggest that persons with disabilities should not be allowed to give birth. This is pursuant to the now repealed sterilization act of Alberta coupled with the fact that a person with disability consent is not required where matters dealing with their bodies is concerned or really outrageous and discriminatory granted the confinement of Muir led or amounted to loss of reputation, loss of libertymachinery be put in place for purposes of evaluating those considerations. Here government in as much as they are charged with the responsibility of ensuring adequate provisions for the rights of persons with disability can claim lack of adequate resources and seek to absolve themselves from liability. This again has mischievous connotations which also violate the rights of persons with disability it is note worthy therefore that the essence of budgetary provisions†is a ploy to run away from responsibility.Granted, the character would be illusory if the provisions enshrined there in could be ignored because it was convenient to the administration. But courts in Canada should be applauded since they have always held that the â€Å"considerations†cannot be used to justify violat ions of rights of persons with disabilities. In Nova Scotia V Martin it was held for instance that despite the concerns raised with respect to â€Å"budgetary considerations†defenses, the defense is raised often and primarily in the context of disability discrimination cases.Senior citizens have not been spared either and as earlier stated they may fall under the bracket persons with disabilities because old age comes with certain effects like hearing difficulties, poor visions, mental that senility comes with old age all proved by science old peoples normal participation in day to day activities all these has a close nexus as to why they are held with low opinions, that's why they are held with low opinions, that's why they are deemed to be less engaged.the myths that they are less aged could well be founded because more often than not, the senior citizens would citizens would be found in care homes where they are taken care of by welfare but this is not totally true becaus e many old people have defied age to climb the everest mountains ans so on. About mandatory retirement, this is purely discriminative because under the law much that there is a retirement age, many people of retirement age have the energy to carry on. Besides it would be tantamount to say that on attainment of retirement age, one is old and incapable of productivity.Well is sheer discrimination. this kind of draconian treatment has led to untold suffering among the persons with disabilities. For one it has led to difficulty in access to employment because they are viewed to as being not productive as compared to normal bodied persons. It has also led to poverty or likely hood of the same because many a times there people are confined. take the Muir case for instance her life was almost shuttered leading to loss of productive years, reputation besides suffering humiliation. It has also led to discontent among person with disabilities.The welfare system has also suffered given draconi an policies like â€Å" budgetary considerations†All these can also result to problems of recreation and leisure for persons with disabilities as little regard as given to them as human beings. To change their status quo, lobby groups have been formed to press for better treatment. the senior citizens and persons with disabilities have also gone against the grain to prove the system wrong e. g. Muir who went on to pass the IQ test and lives a much happier life. These groups have also sought redress in court especially invoking section 15(1) of the Canadian charter on human rights.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Lena Baker vs Annette Lyes
The Lena Baker and Anjette Lyles are two-court cases that are very questionable in court decision. Lena Baker shot and kill Ernest B. Knight who had remove her from her home and locked in a the gristmill. Baker was sentenced to Death. Anjette Lyles was a woman who murder four people Ben F. Lyles Jr who was her first husband, Joe Neal Gabbert who was her second husband, Julia Lyles who was her former mother in law and Marcia her daughter. She was sentenced to the State Hospital for the Insane in Milledgeville. Georgia's In Lena Case, the Judge put to gun on the stand to intimidate the court to give him the verdict.Her trail lasted less than day. Even with the right to fast and speedy trail in my opinion that was to fast for the defense to cast enough doubt in any juror mind. The Judge gun influenced the jury to give him the verdict he wants. Those two alone is enough for a mistrial. The Governor granted Lena a sixty-day reprieve so that the Board of Pardons and Parole could review the case. In January 1945, the board denied clemency. Baker's execution date was rescheduled for March 5, 1945. She was taken to Reidsville State Prison on February 23, 1945.Sixty years later the state of Georgia accounted that it had made a mistake and that Lena Baker should have been sentenced to a lesser serious crime. I think that the death should be removed from the books because innocent people are sentenced to death each year. The Death pleanty here was unreasonable everyone knew what was happening was wrong but still happened. In the Anjette case, her poison four people . Anjette plan these murder out and commit them. She had her trail and was sentenced to death. She would have been the first white woman sentenced to death and people were not happy about that.The governor step in and appointed a sanity commission consisting of a psychiatrist, psychologist, and medical doctor to examine Lyles. The conclusion the team presented to the Board of Pardons and Paroles was that the pri soner was insane. The Board commuted her death sentence, and Lyles was sent to the State Hospital for the Insane in Milledgevillethe Insanity plea in this case was unreasonable everyone knew what was happening was wrong but still happened. took form Document by Mr. Sutton Word for Word. 2005 took form Document by Mr. Sutton Word for Word.
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